Q&A with our Local Brand Ambassador, Alf!

Welcome to our next Q&A! This interview features our very own Alf Walsh. 

Alf started with us in May 2023 working in the taproom, and then joined us full-time in October as our Local Brand Ambassador. Alf is extremely passionate about food, they love trying new places and cuisines that they haven’t had before. Especially when it’s supporting local independent businesses. 

First of all - what's your favourite Phantom beer so far?

I’d say probably Planet Porpoise or UFOMG - they were both really delicious!


What style of beer do you want to see more of?

I’m basic. I just like soft, juicy pales - I’m in the right place!


How much would you pay for a hammock full of ham hock?

Is the ham hock cooked? [Yes.] I don’t have a big fridge, I’d have to freeze some of it, so maybe £20? I’d have to eat some then give the rest away and most of my friends are vegetarian. 

You’re creating a playlist for Echoes, who has to be on it?

I’ve forgotten all music…anything on the Big Gay Bangers list on Spotify! Definitely Shania Twain as well, she’s an icon!


Favourite thing about working in beer?

The beer is good, I like beer. Also think it's a nice friendly and inclusive space, I’ve never had issues and that’s not the same for other industries I’ve been in unfortunately.


If you were in the movie Jaws, how would you conquer the shark?

No! I just couldn’t do it - I don't like sharks!!!! Why would you ask that?! I’ve given away too much of myself. 

What beer destination is top of your list to visit?

I’d like to go back to Amsterdam - there was a beer I had in a windmill which made me start liking craft beer. It was a tiny brewery in a windmill, and they served it with cheese from their own sheep. I’d also like to visit Chicago again - this time as a beer drinker to try all the amazing craft beers on offer. 


What do you want to see more of in the beer industry?

I’d like to see more accessibility when it comes to making sure people with wheelchairs can visit taprooms and that venues are safe for people like me to feel comfortable and welcome.


How many party rings is too many party rings?

I’d say more than two. I don’t have a big sweet tooth. Too much icing! 


Did someone

Yes, I did, earlier. 


You can find Alf on instagram, @alf.phantombrew - when they’re not at the taproom or Echoes, you can usually find them at Kungfu Kitchen.